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The one where I slept. A LOT.

So i guess summer is over?

That sure happened quickly. One minute we were basking in mid 20 degree weather now it barely goes over 15 and we have wind and rain and moody AF skies. Honestly I LOVE IT!

I'm the kind of person that will make my bed home base for a whole day (whenever i manage to get a whole day of haha) and i mean it. I'll only go downstairs to eat and make sure my door is locked because unless someone announces themselves I literally cannot hear anyone come into my house. Spooky?

Well my trip on the long weekend was much needed. I was up at 4 AM (with only 2 hours of sleep) and drove all the way to 100 Mile, BC. That's about 5 hours from Vancouver, so i didn't get there til lat afternoon. Taylor needed sleep, and i don't mean that lightly.

I went to bed that day at 8:30 pm and did not wake up once until 8:30 am the next morning. Not only did i manage 10 hours of sleep every other night but i also had a 2 hour nap every day and still managed to go out and about boating and floating (I'm not a fan of swimming).

There were so many of us there and it was in no way a dull moment. We all agreed that only going for 3 nights is not worth it though. That's the kind of place you go for a week minimum.

The Cabin is an old A frame build that my grandpa purchased when I was still just a baby. It was old, but it was like a home away from home. One year my grandpa expanded one side and installed a massive kitchen in it for my grandma as her 30th anniversary present. It's one of those family landmarks that defined every single summer in my childhood up until high school. We would spend 7-10 days there every year and those were always my favorite memories as a kid. Sleeping in the loft with a dozen other people, staying up late laughing with my sister and whatever friends we brought that year, tubing on the lake or taking the kayaks out and getting stranded out on the paddle boat because the wind was too strong to fight against it.

It was a shortly lived trip this year, but so worth it because ever since my sister and i have graduated and gotten jobs it's been only the 2nd time for me in the last 6 years. I know I'm going to start making more effort to go every year and make it a week long trip. Here's a few photo's i snapped while i was up there. I didnt take as many as i'd hoped to, but I was too busy sleeping i guess :P

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