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How many photos will I get from my session?

My guarantee is 40-60 photos for my standard sessions however I don't like to limit how many photos I will send you. Weddings can differ depending on the day. If more photos turn out I would rather you enjoy them than have them sit in the deep depths of my hard drives! 

How will I receive my photos?

I deliver all my galleries as online galleries. You can download your photos as many times as you want and I always recommend saving them to multiple devices just in case. The galleries do expire online after a certain time period.

What is your turn around time for gallery delivery?

Depending on how busy the season is! during slower season I would say minimum 2 weeks but once it gets to busy season you'd be looking at 6-8 weeks.

What kind of photoshop do you do?

I'm about promoting self confidence and loving yourself for who you are. So other than blemishes, stray hairs, or any background distractions I don't alter your appearance. Anything that is temporary will go away. The rest is there to stay.

How Long have you been doing photography?

I got my first camera when I was 14! I started getting into Macro photography until I started to photograph people and I quickly realized that was what I was meant to do! I love capturing emotion and feeling and connections!

Do you travel for weddings? If so how does that work?

I am ALWAYS happy to follow you on your adventure! Basically you would just need to cover the cost to get me there. That includes, gas mileage, ferries, plane rides, and overnight accommodations. The rest I will cover myself.

Do you send your clients any RAW or unedited photos?

No, I do not.

All photos sent are edited consistently to my style

What should I wear to my shoot?

Whatever you want! I always recommend staying away from bright colors and to keep to neutrals more, but it's still up to you! Just please don't ask me to "not get your feet in the photos" because you might be wearing snow boots on the mountain. I'm here to capture the authentic moments and having to worry about not getting a limb in the shot is limiting. Your photo's are not about your shoes.

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